The Celiac Malady could be a stomach related clutter that comes from responses to eating gluten. This influences children as well as grown-ups. One in each 133 Americans has this illness. As a rule, it can be dealt with well, from eating a gluten free slim down. There are a variety of blood test that can be used to screen for celiac disease. Ultimately, an upper endoscopic examination of the small intestine with biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis. This procedure involves passing an instrument through the mouth into the stomach under a light sedation. The long-term sequelae of having celiac disease are well known such as iron deficiency or osteoporosis.
The symptoms of this disease, include:
- Digestive: These symptoms are abdominal bloating and pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation along with pale and fowl smelling stools.
- Weight Loss: Anemia, fatigue, osteoporosis, miscarriages and numbness are the symptoms of this one.
- Skin Rash: Itchy, blistering, burning rash.
- Mood and Memory: Excessive Depression, irritability, poor memory and having trouble concentrating.
Wheat Allergies also involves the autoimmune system.
The difference is that Celiac Disease is life long whereas Wheat Allergies can be grown out of. But still wheat has to be avoided for Celiac Disease. This is because gluten is a protein that comes in wheat, lactose, peanuts and other foods. If it is not taken care of properly, someone's life could end.
The disease comes from:
- If an immediate family member has Celiac Disease, you have a 5-15% chances of getting it as well.
- Babies given gluten before they are three months old.
- Major life event such as stress or pregnancy.
- Diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes, autoimmune diseases or thyroid disease.
- Other Generic Disorders such as Down Syndrome or Turner Syndrome.
Maintaining a gluten free diet is the cornerstone of therapy.