Also referred to as colonic cancer, colon cancer has over the past couple of years grown to become a killer disease all over the world. Research shows that it is the 3rd most common form of cancer affecting both men and women and is estimated that 150,000 new cancer cases are reported every year in the United States. This is exactly the reason why early colon cancer detection is important.
The main issue with colon cancer is detection. In the early stages, the symptoms might not be very pronounced. This element makes it hard for medical professionals to ascertain whether you are truly suffering from cancer or an associated illness. Until recently, there were no self test kits available for people to use when they needed to know whether they were suffering from cancer. Now technology has changed considerably and colon cancer detection can be done using the DIY method.
Why is a colon health check necessary?
Testing for colon cancer is in fact recommended for all people over the age of 40 years as well as for any person who is at a higher risk of developing colon cancer. Some of the groups of people who are at a higher risk include people who have previously had reproductive tract cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, and basically anyone with signs of benign intestinal polyps. People who have a family connection with others who suffered this type of cancer might also be in danger. Just like the case is for colon cancer detection, colon cancer is real and it can happen to anyone. That is why you are advised to test at least once a year. A simple test can significantly help to save your life for the better. Here are some of the common colon cancer detection tests.
- Use of self-test kit - Before you can even rush to the doctor for tests such as colonoscopy, you can make use of the self-test kit in order to find out whether you are really in danger. It is actually possible for you to perform an effective health check on your colon so as to detect any defects at the earliest stages before the cancer advances and starts eating into other body cells. The American Cancer Societyrecommends that you should go for cancer screening at least once a year.
- Colonoscopy- This is perhaps one of the most popular forms of tests done in the colon. A colonoscope is basically an instrument that is used for examining the rectal and colon parts of the digestive system in order to find out if there are any abnormal growths. During a colonoscopy, abnormal growths and polyps are traced, removed and then biopsied.
- Digital rectal examination- The process of colon cancer detection can also be handled through digital rectal examination. This test examines the lower part of the rectum in order to find out if there are any polyp growths or tumors. This test can be done using a lubricated finger (digit) just to feel if there are any growths in the rectum. This test is also commonly used in detecting prostate cancer for men.
If you are at risk, working closely with the right medical experts might also serve to help you a great deal. Dr. Starpoli of Greenwich Village Gastroenterology might offer you the help you want. You can feel free to check out the website and appreciate the services they have to offer.