Dr. Starpoli has been in private practice since 1991 with offices in Manhattan, NY and Poughkeepsie, NY and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.
Since the year 2000, Dr. Starpoli has performed hundreds of anti-reflux procedures using the different available technologies.
Success rates vary and depend on the individual case. Overall we consider the procedures to be 50% to 70% effective
Generally no, but this may depend on the actual age of the patient.
Kips Bay Endoscopy Center, Lenox Hill Hospital, Beth Israel, NYU Medical Center, in New York City.
Visits are available by appointment only and are scheduled at both offices. Please click here to schedule your appointment as conveniently as possible.
We participate with some of the managed care insurance plans and will accepted most insurance plans on an out-of-network basis. The details of this can be discussed directly with the office.
The NYC office is located at 80 5th Ave, Suite 1605 at 14th St. It is accessible by all trains going to Union Square.
The Poughkeepsie office is located at 55 Montgomery Street near the corners of South Ave and Market Street.
Please click here to visit our office policies page for more information.