Dr. Starpoli blog on GI disorders

Three Symptoms of the Metabolic Syndrome Related to Diet and Obesity

Written by Anthony Starpoli | Jun 26, 2014 4:01:00 PM

Metabolic syndrome is a catchall phrase for a variety of symptoms that typically accompany the onset of cardiac disease and diabetes. However, the symptoms themselves may not seem all that dangerous in and of themselves - especially if they are only temporary. Three such symptoms are:

  1. High Blood Pressure - People under stress can exhibit high blood pressure as well as those who may have other underlying medical issues. How do you know if the risk factor is one that you need to be worried about? Consult your physician who will recommend either lifestyle changes as a treatment for metabolic syndrome or give you medicines to help treat this condition. If it turns out stress has your blood pressure shooting up, it may be that you can relieve the symptom by simply addressing the stress and eliminating its source.

  2. High Cholesterol Levels - No one dies of high cholesterol levels. They are just an indicator of clogged arteries, which ends up as heart disease - and heart disease kills. It’s important to get high cholesterol levels under control, which can be done with dietary changes. If you have a high-fat meat diet, reducing meat consumption can help. After customizing your diet for your specific needs, especially if you also have IBS or Celiac disease, the symptom may go away and heart disease doesn't have to make an appearance.

  3. Elevated Blood Sugar Levels - When you eat a banana in the morning, you can end up with higher blood sugar levels if you test soon afterwards. Blood sugar levels tend to rise and fall, but when they remain elevated for a long period of time, even after fasting, then this may indicate you are at risk for diabetes. Diabetes, however, and the ability to produce insulin to regulate blood sugar levels is also impacted by the family medical history. If you have close relatives who are diabetic, you need to be more proactive about getting treatment for metabolic syndrome, particularly if you exhibit any other symptoms too.

If you have more than one of these symptoms, you will likely be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. That means you are at higher risk of developing heart disease or diabetes. Treatment for metabolic syndrome can help keep the appearance of major diseases like diabetes and heart disease at bay, helping to improve your health and maintain your quality of life longer.